Our Manifesto

Our Manifesto

To preserve both the knowledge and the spirit of Classic Western Literature-
from the myths of Greece to the great works of the last century.

In years gone by, the epic tales of Greek Gods and Heroes were as familiar a part of popular culture as the exploits of Marvel’s Superheroes are today. Literature is filled with references to Zeus, Athena, Apollo, the Fates and so many more people and creatures that are pregnant with meaning and wonder. These references conveyed shades of meaning to readers who understood the context and nuance attached to the characters and stories alluded to, and enriched the written word and conversation.

Now, though, many of those references mean little to us, and even the more recent literature that contain them is becoming less well known than modern work. Not so long ago, books like Little Women, Great Expectations and Jane Eyre were common reading, but now they seem to be increasingly seen as outdated or niche reading.

Here at Ravenquill, we aspire to not only learn and present knowledge about all of these books and myths, but also to preserve the spirit of excellence and beauty that they hold. Modern Literature may very well be featured here, as well- the point is not the age but the content, which is timeless. All good literature builds off of the same foundational values and it is those values that are the heart of this project.

Not only to revel in the joys of old literature, but to better the minds and hearts of ourselves and others.

Not only to write and create fun, evocative pieces and artwork, but to seek to learn and become better artists, writers, readers, people- by drawing on traditions that have shaped our culture.

So, while you’ll find melodrama, grand tales and flowery language here- in great volume, we would add- it is the hope of all of us at Ravenquill that you’ll also find deeper values of Love, Truth, and Beauty.
